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Big Budz CBD, founded in 2018 in Southwest Michigan, was created with a vision of providing natural health solutions for individuals facing various health challenges and the side effects of traditional medications. Our mission is to offer high-quality, natural CBD products that promote wellness and healing. Committed to supporting those who serve, we proudly offer special discounts for veterans as a token of our gratitude. At Big Budz CBD, we believe in the power of nature to help people lead healthier, more balanced lives.
cbdMD, founded in 2018 in Southwest Michigan, was created with a vision of providing natural health solutions for individuals facing various health challenges and the side effects of traditional medications. Our mission is to offer high-quality, natural CBD products that promote wellness and healing. Committed to supporting those who serve, we proudly offer special discounts for veterans as a token of our gratitude. At Big Budz CBD, we believe in the power of nature to help people lead healthier, more balanced lives.
Big Budz CBD, founded in 2018 in Southwest Michigan, was created with a vision of providing natural health solutions for individuals facing various health challenges and the side effects of traditional medications. Our mission is to offer high-quality, natural CBD products that promote wellness and healing. Committed to supporting those who serve, we proudly offer special discounts for veterans as a token of our gratitude. At Big Budz CBD, we believe in the power of nature to help people lead healthier, more balanced lives.
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Accessibility Statement for Big Budz CBD
This is an accessibility statement from Big Budz CBD.

Conformance status
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. Big Budz CBD is non conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Non conformant means that the content does not conform the accessibility standard.

This statement was created on 24 May 2022 using the W3C Accessibility Statement Generator Tool.